Sunday 29 June 2014

Current Events Reading World's Ugliest Dog

Article Comprehension:
World's Ugliest Dog

How many years has the 'World's Ugliest Dog' contest been around?
The worlds ugliest dog competition started in 1988 it has been going for 26 years.

How many contestants did it attract this year?
29 ugly dogs.

How did this year's winner Peanut get his 'ugly' looks?
Peanut was in a tragic fire he lost his lips, most of his hair and eyelids. His eyes constantly water.

What is the organizer's main purpose for organizing this unusual competition?
The competition shows a great way to honor these animal, many of their unusual looks are because of animal abuse. The article show us that even if they are "ugly" it doesnt prevent these dogs from becoming loving pets.

Thursday 26 June 2014

The Perspective of a Blade of Grass...

As I waited, anticipated, who was going to step on me, I saw a crowd of multicoloured T-shirts run at me, dreading the unexpected I turned around expecting the worst nothing happened. I turned around slowly I blinked and missed it I was stepped on, spat on, sweated on. 

I open my eyes everythings fuzzy. I see no more runners, I must have blacked out. But suddenly out of nowhere I see someone with a red shirt coming down the home straight they just miss me. Now its just being lucky from now on. Another two people come running sprint past me they are neck and neck but one of them pulls through.

OW! I feel a sharp pain run down my spine everyones coming now i'm feeling frightened. Ugh I have a headache but its finally over no more pain no more getting covered in vulgar substances. NOOO theres one more person plodding alone BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, they pick up the jog the ground is shaking now I find myself bing crushed i'm stuck to his shoe CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH, goes my spine I finally fall off. 

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Current Events Reading White Humpback

White Humpback Whale Sighted!
Article Comprehension:

What is so special about Migaloo?
Migaloo is a humpback whale he is hypo pigmented. He also takes the same migration path up and down the east coast of Australia.

Cite a few facts from the article that tell you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia.
They have made laws for him. You are not aloud to come within 500 meters of him if you are in a boat or you get a fine of $12,500 or more. If you are in a plane you have to stay 2,000 metres away. They gave him an aboriginal name Migaloo meaning white fella.

Why is Migaloo known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback? Because of his rare colouring he is supposedly an albino whale but experts seem to think that .

Is he the only one? 

He could be, but a hypo pigmented calf had been sighted only 3 years ago, but hasnt been seen since. But Migaloo is still the only albino humpback whale documented.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Current Events Reading Cornflakes Artwork

Article Comprehension:

What cereal does Rosado use to create her portraits? Cornflakes!

Why does it take so long to create each masterpiece. Because she has to cut down each individual cornflake then she has to to fit in the right place.

Name some celebrities that have featured in her cereal art series. Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Alicia Keys, and John Lennon.

What kind of art did Rosando unveil in 2013. She made a series of artwork that was made entirely from dirt.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Current Events Reading World Record Lego Tower

Article Comprehension:

Where was the most recent tallest Lego structure built? 

The 114ft tower was built in Budapest.

Who built it? 
Elementry students got official lego builders to come down from Denmark to help them build the massive tower in front of the Saint Stephen's Basilica in Budapest.

What are the two requirements imposed by the Guinness World Records before a Lego tower can be eligible for inclusion?
You can not help to build it using adhesives and for it to be put in the book, it has to have no wires to help it stand up.

Why does the author believe that a new Lego tower record will be attempted soon? 
The author believes that more people will try to surpass the record because three other attempts were made in 2012.

Monday 16 June 2014

Current Events Reading Vegetarian Crocodiles

Vegetarian Crocodiles

Article Comprehension:

What is unusual about the reptiles that live at Nyanyana crocodile farm? The crocodiles at Nyanyana crocodile farm are now 100% vegeterian which is not normal in crocodiles. They are bred for there skin which is softer than other crocodiles.

How did they turn this way? The Nyanyana crocodile farm couldn't afford to keep feeding them good quality meat, so they started to feed them pellets that contain meat and vegetables, they slowly started to put less meat in until it was all vegetables.

What are the crocodiles being bred for? The crocodiles are being bred for there skin they make expensive handbags, shoes, and belts.

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Sunday 15 June 2014

Current Events Reading 13 Year Old Conquers Everest

13 Year Old Conquers Everest

Article Comprehension:
What did Malavath do? Climbed Mount Everest at the age of 13

Why does the author believe it is so admirable? Because she is so young and she did not give up even when she got sick she kept carrying on.

What did she have to do to get selected for the Mount Everest climb? She had to compete against 150 people and get chosen. 

What happened when Malavath reached the advanced base camp? Malavath was sent back to base camp after she experienced altitude sickness when she got to the advanced base camp set up at an altitude of 6,400 meters.
How long did it take the team to get to the summit? 52 days. 

What does Malavath hope her achievement will do to help other people? Inspire underprivileged people and girls all over the world, to try achieve their dreams.