Saturday 29 March 2014

Homework this week.

I am really proud of how my student led conference went, I was all round pretty good. I am already at the standard so I'm really happy about that. My mum was also very happy with me, we were pleased that the conferences were one on one, because last year there were other kids at the same time, and we didn't get very much time with the teacher.

My 10,000 Energy Points on Khan Academy!

My Amazing Karakia ;)

Not Timed


Thursday 20 March 2014

Swimming Sports

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As I took my first breath, I got a mouthful of water. I coughed and spluttered until there was no water left. I felt like a bird flying through the water. I looked to my left, there was one person in front of me. I looked to my right, another person. I’m coming third. Then I looked beside me someones catching up, I gas it to the end and take my final breath, then touched the wall. I got thrown the yellow stick I walk proudly up to Mrs Mills and hand her the stick, she counts my point and I walk away with a skip in my step.

I sat down and waited for the next race to be announced, I have been waiting all day for this race to come. The underwater race. As everyone dives in I stay on the block for a few seconds, then dive in my goggles slide down. I look to my left, Meila is right beside me we are fighting for third place. We come up at the same time right next to each other but the yellow stick gets thrown to Meila. We are leaving soon so I go and get changed.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Homework Tech

Today at tech we learnt the chords D, A7, G, E and A on the guitar and we were learning how to do chords on the keyboard we also learnt how to play counting stars on the ukulele.

Today at tech Miss Story tested us on guitar and keyboard I did good at guitar but fumbled a bit doing keyboard. She told us that we were making a jingle tomorrow.

Today at tech in partners we made a jingle for a crunchie bar ad using garageband I was in a group with Sophia F.B. We sung and played guitar. We did good but we had a few electronic problems.

Today at tech we got tested on ukulele I think I did alright and then we got to go on the guitars and practise the chords.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Possums 45 min Inqiury


Why don't we want to see these animals on the NZ bush? Because they damage and ruin the environment and also eat our native plants and animals. They also eat birds eggs so that puts our kiwi population at risk. To every person there is seven possums! In New Zealand there are 30 million possums.