Thursday 20 February 2014

Book Response 3.

My book is: Skin and Bone
The Author is: Jenny Oldfield
I chose this book because I am reading the series and this is the next book.

The story took place in Beech Hill Animal Rescue Centre.
I felt sympathy for Woody who was in Hospital because a donkey called bones kicked him in the head, and Woody got rushed to hospital, so it was up to Mandy to find bones when she finally found him some boys were pelting Bones with snowballs. Mandy then saves Bones and takes him back to the rescue centre where she nurses him back to health.

Book Response 2.

My book is: Hazel, Not a Nut
The Author is: Gill Lobel
I chose his book because: I haven't read it before and I liked the look of the title page.

I felt sympathy for Hazel because she was getting bullied by a cheerleader called Lauren about being overweight, and she also got bullied because her initials spelt H.A.M Hazel Anne Mooney. The ending stays in your mind because it turns out that the reason the bully Lauren was bullying her was because Lauren thought thought she was fat so she ran away and hid for 3 day everyone was looking for her the Hazel went to find her and she found Lauren in an abandoned house, skinny and hungry she called the ambulance and they took Lauren away. After the incident Lauren thanks Hazel and they become friends.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Book Response 1.

My book is: Tight Rein
The Author is: Bonnie Bryant
I chose this book because: I have read lots of other Bonnie Bryant books and I had not read it yet.

From reading the book I learned that pranks can be funny be but they can only be taken to a certain point before you cross the line. And that sometimes you have to take on for the team like in the book when Stevie's brother Chad confesses for something Stevie did so that she can go to her pony camp. I'd like to read other stories by this author because all of Bonnie Bryant's stories are about horses!

Homework Box Method

This is the equation.
This is the grid written up.
 These are the answers to the multiplication questions.
 This is the algorithm we used to add the answers together.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Te whare wananga o Te Maro...

Te Whare Wananga o Te Maro

The whare is based on the shape of person. The top wooden plank is the tahuhu it is the backbone of the whare. Then there’s the wooden planks that come off the back bone they are the ribs in maori heke. The three main iwi’s in New Zealand are ngati ranginui, ngati pukenga and ngai te rangi. Whare’s always face northward or in that direction so that their ancestors faces always face towards the sun. The maori name for our whare is te whare wananga o te maro. The that rope taura that the people on the wood on the front of the whare hold represents every colour of every house in the school.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Waitangi Day 45 Minute Inquiry

The treaty of Waitangi was signed on the 6th of February 1840. The people in the picture are protesting that people aren't honouring the treaty as much as they should. They are trying to make the crown honour the treaty and pay back the maori for the land that the pakeha stole from the maori.