Sunday 17 November 2013

My Birthday Party...

I duck as a water balloon swooshes past my ear I make a run for it dropping my water balloons as I dive into the pool holding my breath. I hear a splash then see a dark figure move past me I run my water balloons all popped inside my shirt I fall and get pelted with water I surrender I yell then I hear my mum yell "sushi!" Everybody runs for the table shovelling food into there mouth when i get there theres 2 pieces left I grab them and shove them in my pocket laughing I eat the first I taste rubber and laugh I spit out something purple its a popped water balloon I laugh and lie down. Its nearing 4:00 time for all the fun to go slowly everybody's parents turn up they leave. Now its only me and Sheridan her mum turns up Sheridan asks her mum to do a backflip she does it was so cool now everybody's left its just me my mum say pack up time I walk around and pick up about 250 water balloons popped gahhh so boring...

Story Competition...

As I climb aboard the boat with my family, the boat sways violently Lilly grabs my leg and starts to whimper. “Are you ok I ask quietly?” “Yeah i'll be ok.” She lets go and goes to talk to Nicole. I walk to the captains headquarters and ask politely “how long is this trip going to take?” “approximately 4 weeks.” “OK thanks.” I walk back outside to see Lilly hugging Nicole's legs and the boat shaking violently I grab Jason and Lilly and go to our cabin sit them down and we talk for a bit I quietly whisper to Nicole that the trip takes 4 weeks she gasps. I look at my watch it's getting late I put the kids into bed and hop in myself so I don't keep them awake I fall and hit my head I wake up in a hospital bed swaying about as I look up and see the beautiful faces of Nicole, Lilly and Jason staring down at me I smile hazily and blink i'm still there this isn't a dream I sit up feeling woozy “how did this happen?” I ask “You fell out of bed daddy and hit your head and didn't wake up.” Says Lilly quietly “OK now what's the date Nicole?” I ask “17th May.” Nicole says I get out of bed and move to the deck the water is a dirty green and the air is thick and foggy. I wonder how the captain can see? I think to myself. Then Nicole asks “What happened”. Then I remember.

The ship began to rock side to side I woke up with a bang and start to get out but I fell off the top bunk I felt as though someone had grabbed my leg but and thats all I remember “What else happened? Try to remember!” Says Nicole but i've already pushed my brain to the limit I can't go much further. Suddenly the boat lurched to the side then dropped I grab hold of the side so does Nicole and the kids everybody's screaming the captain runs out onto the deck and yells “Nobody panic stay still we've hit a cave and the main sails broken we have to wait till morning to fix it so everybody just calm down and go into your cabins, and no sudden movements or we will sink understood?” “yes.” Someone murmured in a quiet voice.

We walk into the cabin to find our possessions scattered on the ground I pick up my stuff and place them in the suitcase looking around everybody's had the same idea they're picking up their items and putting them away. Suddenly the boat violently drops someone lets out a shrilling scream. Everybody's running around, my life flashed before my eyes, and everything went black I start gasping for air “were going down.” someone screams I swim for the top Nicole's thrashing around in the water. I try to see Lilly and Jason but they are nowhere to be seen! I dive under the water, the hum of the motor fills my ears then it goes dead I slowly open my eyes the salty water pours in it stings I shut them and feel a hand grab my leg I go back under grab the hand and hoist it up it's Jason he's about to pass out I put him on the nearest floating bunk bed he groans I dive back under searching for anything a strand of hair or item of clothing anything I see a finger I grab for it thrashing I pull it up it's Lilly I jump for joy forgetting to breath I put her on the bed with Jason the cabin slowly filling with more and more water I pull the bed over to the door it floats slowly, the room is filling by the second i'm gasping for breath I gone gone...